Publius-Huldah's Blog

Understanding the Constitution

The First Amendment does NOT give islamists the right to build mosques, proselytize, and institute sharia here!

Here I rebut the 3 major lies of our time:  Multiculturalism is good; islam is a peaceful “religion”; and the First Amendment gives islamists the “right” to build mosques, proselytize, and institute sharia here.

Let us repudiate the lies; and rebuild the shining city on the hill.

April 7, 2013

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April 7, 2013 - Posted by | 1st Amendment, Article VI, Constitution is not a suicide pact, cultural relativism, Declaration of Independence, God-given Rights, multiculturalism, prevailing dogma, Rights, sharia, shining city on a hill | , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Hey PH, I thought you might want to know: here in France (where I live now), there’s a hateful Muslim Imam (cleric) who has publicly made hateful sermons about gays and women, and has even called for Muslim immigrants to “cut off the French people’s heads before they cut ours”.

    The French Interior Ministry tried to deport him, but his lawyer (apparently an ACLU acolyte) filed suit in court in Paris, which enjoined (blocked) the government from deporting him, claiming this would be a “disruption of his private and family life.”

    The judges who heard that case need to read your article. As in the US, staying in France is (under the law) a privilege reserved only for those who respect the law and notably the liberties of those who live here.

    Muslims DO NOT have a right to stay here if they do not respect our right to life, to free speech, and to eat and drink whatever we want!

    Yet, the judges hearing the case practically granted the guy a license to stay permanently in France no matter what crime he commits, even incitement to violence…


    Comment by Zbigniew Mazurak | August 15, 2022 | Reply

    • Yes, People in the West have become so demoralized that they will not stand up and defend their their Culture. But Western civilization HAS collapsed from the moral & intellectual rot. I remember how it was in the US after Teddy Kennedy’s “Immigration Reform Act of 1965”: People who objected to our Country’s being overrun by 3rd world people were denounced as “racist”. And so they collapsed and withdrew their objection so that no one would call them names.

      It appears that the only men left in the Western World are in Poland & Hungary. All Americans want to do is eat and be distracted by entertainment, scandle, etc.

      Are you in France to study? Are you now fluent in French?

      P.S.: By “demoralized”, I mean “stripped of their moral foundation”. I do not mean “depressed”. Former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov warned during 1984 that the “demoralization” of the American People was largely completed.
      Americans have been stripped of their moral foundations: look at all the non-stop lying, blame-shifting, cowardice, parasitism, evasions, mean-spiritedness, etc.
      This is why the communists have been able to take over our Country. And once they get their new Constitution at an Article V Convention, it will all be “legal”.


      Comment by Publius Huldah | August 16, 2022 | Reply

  2. Reblogged this on For Freedom – Galatians 5:1.


    Comment by retiredday | March 26, 2015 | Reply

  3. God Bless you PH and thank you for your wonderful blog and for the wealth of information you put together here. There is so much information I can not wait to begin. I feel like a kid in a candy store with such a large selection my head spins not knowing what I would like to read first.

    What I have realized is our wonderful Country has lost the “feeling” of being great. Children have lost the pride of country and that is what needs to be taught. I never questioned that the public school system changed so much that pride of country was no longer being taught. Big mistake. When I was I in grade school 1961 to 1970 I remember learning about our history and we were taught to be proud of our Country. We used spring break to clean up our neighborhoods and to do for others. Saying the pledge of alliance each morning and learning how to appreciate one another. When God was removed from the classroom that is when I took notice for the first time and my heart broke because I knew what was going to happen next. I understood removing God from the classroom would allow evil to creep in. Children need to be taught there is a higher authority that they answer to in their life and once that authority was removed from schools many children would never have the opportunity to learn about God if they were not in a family that participated in a church.

    Frustration now overwhelms me, seeing that schools have welcomed in stories like Harry Potter and are teaching about Islam. I am angry that our courts are appeasing this barbaric culture and state after state is recognizing and allowing sharia to be practiced, The last state I noticed was Kentucky, I read the courts response, that as long as it (sharia) is used as part of the religious beliefs they are allowing it. I cried out of frustration. The children are being taught about evil and magical spells and Islam about supernatural things before they have a chance to understand and be one with GOD. Again I cry.

    I pray each day, I cry each day and I reach for hope every moment. I will never give up hope for God’s creation. God has written his plans for us all and I try not to question those plans. I accept that his plans will come to pass and he has plans for us all. I pray when the time comes and the Lord returns with his wrath for the evil that is among us I will be allowed to stand with his army, strong and proud to fight and conquer the evil that has taking over the world. Perhaps on that glorious day I will have the opportunity to meet you in person because I would love to give you a great big hug and say thank you and let you know that I love you my beautiful sister in Christ.

    Gail Onasch

    Now I wipe off the tears so I can begin reading and sharing the wealth of information here on your blog. Oh I am not ashamed to cry but I am ashamed that I have remained idle so very long!


    Comment by Gail Onasch | August 5, 2013 | Reply

    • I also wanted to mention, I too feel as you do that this country and its’ morals have been so perverted they are not worth saving. What is needed as you mentioned is to turn as many people to God as possible. This government must fall it is the only way. Time for a “redo” with our Constitution under the guidance and with blessings from God.


      Comment by Gail Onasch | August 5, 2013 | Reply

      • Yes, I fear a purging is ahead.


        Comment by Publius Huldah | August 5, 2013 | Reply

    • Thank you and welcome, Gail!

      This paper explains how the belief system of the American People was changed w/o their knowledge:

      I was in public elementary school a long time before you and I well remember The Ten Commandments being posted around the top of the room, daily readings from the Bible, and daily prayers. It was all non-denominational and no one had a problem with it. I was raised in a secular home, so public school was all the contact I had with the Bible. And it did influence me! It must have influenced the other children also b/c there were no drugs, no stealing, no beatings, and only 2 girls in my high school class “went to Europe” for a year.

      Re Harry Potter. I have read all 7 books. Rowling writes in the tradition of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkein. Like them, she writes of Christian themes and symbols and uses wizards to tell the story. Her books are crammed with Christian symbols and themes. The large theme of every book is the war between Good and Evil, and Harry and his friends are solidly on the side of Good. They fight evil wherever it is, and they put What is Right above all other considerations (such as their own safety). It is impossible to read the books and not see the Christian themes! Rowling’s genius is that it isn’t “in your face” goody-goody and the stories are gripping. The books teach children to FIGHT on the side of Good in this Great Battle of Good v. Evil. When I read the first book, I soon realized, “She is a Christian!” And the books are also crammed with brilliant social commentary on our own times.

      She is not “new age” or any such stuff. I promise. If you read them, you are in for a great & fulfilling adventure. And they are encouraging. She is probably the best influence left in the world today on children. She is also telling them they are going to have to take sides, and must fight, in the Battle of Good and Evil. I promise!


      Comment by Publius Huldah | August 5, 2013 | Reply

      • Publius,

        Sadly, I agree with your first comment. Reading progressive education it is slow right now since I am not familiar with the different philosophies, but the picture is becoming clear. The video posted by patriotkathy is enlightening and I plan to share with everyone I know. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink!

        Hugs and remain healthy and safe always,


        Comment by gailono | August 6, 2013 | Reply

      • Publius,
        Harry Potter will have to wait for now because I have much to learn and so little time to learn it all in. Then I need to share with everyone that is willing to listen, learn and pass it on to others.
        Hugs Gail
        P.S. I thought I posted this but it did not appear. I also posted other comments that are not appearing. Forgive me but I am not familiar with this site. I am learning.


        Comment by Gail Onasch | August 7, 2013 | Reply

        • I had to set it up so that I monitor comments before they are posted, b/c of the TROLLS and SPAM. Sometimes, good comments are taken by my SPAM filter; but I am no longer able to review the SPAM filter before I delete them b/c I get so much SPAM every day.

          Harry Potter will be there when you can get to it. I have learned that some organizations which claim to be on our side really aren’t. I say this b/c they support destructive policies.


          Comment by Publius Huldah | August 7, 2013 | Reply

  4. Come back PH, come back. Love to hear your take on the Patriot Act and government seizure of American phone records!


    Comment by Frankenstein Government | June 9, 2013 | Reply

    • Well, I never went anywhere! True, I haven’t written a formal paper recently. I’ve been giving speeches recently. Have one scheduled for Sat, June 15 in Cowan, Tennessee.

      I am going to be on the radio June 25, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. C.T. The program is “Women Patriots” on Conservative Nation Radio at this website:

      I will speak on the federal government’s seizure of our internet & phone records, enumerated powers, and the 4th amendment.

      Thanks for your nice post!


      Comment by Publius Huldah | June 9, 2013 | Reply

  5. Reblogged this on .


    Comment by Moderator | May 12, 2013 | Reply

  6. PH, there is a simple way to set things right (and to teach ordinary Americans how to reclaim their own country). It should be applied against BOTH Muslims AND Latinos who refuse to assimilate.

    Specifically, you and other US natives should think of the US as your own home. (Because it’s exactly that.)

    Think of this: if you invited someone to your home, and that someone – that guest whom you were kind enough to invite – then began demanding that you chance the way you live at your own home – e.g. demanded that you change what you say, eat, watch, read, and otherwise do at home, or at what time you must get up and go to bed, what would you do?

    You’d throw him out of your home, of course!

    The same should apply to immigrants and tourists alike. If they want to be allowed to come to the US – whether for a visit or to immigrate – they must be told, in no uncertain terms, that it is THEM who will have to adapt to the US, not the other way around. It is THEM who want to be allowed to come to the US, not vice versa. Accordingly, immigrants who want to relocate to the US must obey American laws, pay US taxes, learn and speak English, conduct all official business in English, adapt to American customs, and work hard so as not to be a burden on the American society. If they’re not willing to do that, they should not come to, and should not be allowed to immigrate to, the United States. Period.

    Americans – the homeowners here – should not have to adapt to the demands and customs of whomever comes to the US.


    Comment by zbigniewmazurak | May 5, 2013 | Reply

    • ZM, the minds & morals of the American People have been destroyed.

      Multiculturalism rules. Americans don’t believe that they have the right to demand that muslims who come here adopt our ways.

      Our politicians don’t believe we have that right – and the stupid Americans keep electing those politicians.

      “Tolerance!” “Non-judgmentalism!” “Multiculturalism!”

      And the truth is that the “American” culture of today is so rotten that it is not worth preserving.

      ONLY divine intervention will rescue us. And frankly, I can’t see why God would think any of what we have today is worth preserving. I’m just trying to get enough people to repent so that God will heal our Land.


      Comment by Publius Huldah | May 5, 2013 | Reply

    • Sounds like you are describing the experience of First Nations people when they encountered the European marauders.


      Comment by skinnercitycyclist | December 12, 2013 | Reply

  7. I want Publius Huldah on the Supreme Court….she would set them straight!!!!


    Comment by Vicki Becker | April 17, 2013 | Reply

    • That is the only job in the world I want.
      But I will never get it.
      But thank you for your kind words!


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 17, 2013 | Reply

  8. […] The First Amendment does NOT give islamists the right to build mosques, proselytize, and institute s… […]


    Pingback by P/H Tears ‘Em Apart….Again! , An Ol' Broad's Ramblings | April 13, 2013 | Reply

  9. Reblogged this on Abortion and Population Reduction: The Long View.


    Comment by lazarus5712 | April 13, 2013 | Reply

  10. Like

    Comment by Publius Huldah | April 12, 2013 | Reply

  11. …wonderful (and long overdue) philosophical disquisition about Islam, the Constitution, Federalism, and Christianity by an informed individual.

    Thank you Publius Huldah.

    One thing. At about the 33:20 mark you said something about Islam and 400 years. Didn’t you mean 1,400 years?


    Comment by Penelope | April 11, 2013 | Reply

    • Yes, I meant 1400 years; it is a bit garbled there – I thought I said 1400 years, but it does sound like 400 years. We are not good enough editors to fix it. So I rely on listeners who have their wits about them!
      Thank you for your kind words, Penelope!


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 14, 2013 | Reply

      • It is my privilege to help you in any way I can. May God bless you richly in all things. And may He bless your blog and may it prosper in reclaiming and restoring our Constitution and our precious republic.


        Comment by Penelope | April 15, 2013 | Reply

  12. Thank you for speaking the truth and defending our freedom!


    Comment by 4redwhiteandyou | April 10, 2013 | Reply

  13. […] Here I rebut the 3 major lies of our time: Multiculturalism is good; islam is a peaceful “religion”; and the First Amendment gives islamists the “right” to build mosques, proselytize, and institute sharia here. Let us repudiate the lies; and rebuild the shining city on the hill. The First Amendment does NOT give islamists the right to build mosques, proselytize, and institute s… […]


    Pingback by Vor tids tre løgne « Snaphanen | April 9, 2013 | Reply

  14. Publius is telling you all the truth when she expounds on the fact that the God of the Bible formed this nation.


    Comment by Cindy Lyons | April 8, 2013 | Reply

  15. Great video and lesson! Thank you!


    Comment by Bill Fisher | April 8, 2013 | Reply

    • Thank you, Bill!


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 8, 2013 | Reply

  16. Thank you.


    Comment by Offer Binshtok | April 8, 2013 | Reply

    • Thank you, Offer. We must expose the islamists for what they are and pray that we can open the eyes of enough Americans so that we can turn the tide for America – for Israel – and for Europe.


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 8, 2013 | Reply

  17. FIRST, God Blesss you, second , thank you for what you do.
    I fear for you and I will pray that you remain safe.
    My fear is justified because I have felt the fist of the federal government when I asked that they obey the Law of the Land.
    I lost everything but I still have some fight in me.
    I am about to file in the District Court for violations of the Constitution, and I will keep on filing and fighting.
    Again, may God bless you


    Comment by RICK | April 7, 2013 | Reply

    • Be careful, Rick. You can not expect justice in the federal courts. It is best to stay out of them unless you have a great attorney who has connections.

      Thank you for your kind words. Such kind words mean so much to me, and they help me keep going.


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 8, 2013 | Reply

  18. Thank you for this update on 1st Amendment rights. I would so love to learn more about same sex marriage and ‘rights’ to such via our Constitution.


    Comment by Gwen Marvels | April 7, 2013 | Reply

    • IMPORTANT! All the first amendment does is list 5 things CONGRESS can’t make laws about. It doesn’t “grant” any rights! Rights come from God – see the Declaration of Independence, 2nd para.

      Re homosexual marriage: Again, the Constitution doesn’t grant any “rights” to anybody. All it does is delegate SPECIFIED enumerated powers to each of the 3 branches of the federal government.

      In the Constitution, WE THE PEOPLE did not delegate to the federal government any power over “marriage”. Read thru the federal Constitution. You won’t find “marriage” listed among the powers delegated.

      The supreme Court unlawfully seized power over marriage. They did this by perverting the clear meanings of words in Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment. Study this paper: You will need to outline it, but it is worth the effort.


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 7, 2013 | Reply

  19. Run against Sen. Lamar Alexander in 2014!


    Comment by David | April 7, 2013 | Reply

    • Thank you! But RINOS in TN have launched a vicious smear campaign against me. Apparently, they don’t want me to speak out.

      One of them, a two-time failed congressional candidate, apparently objected to my speech on gun rights (it is posted on my website), and my paper on the Balance of Powers Act (the original version written by legal scholar JB Williams).

      I expect this video will have them foaming at the mouth with resentment & rage!


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 7, 2013 | Reply

      • Truth is a bitter pill… We will prevail.


        Comment by wisdomdepot | April 7, 2013 | Reply

        • Dear Wisdom,
          I always found Truth to be a sweet tonic; but most do hate it. Encourage me: Why do you think we will prevail?


          Comment by Publius Huldah | April 8, 2013 | Reply

      • Lady Thatcher, who passed away earlier today, also had to face vicious smears thrown at her – not to mention assassination attempts by the IRA.


        Comment by Zbigniew Mazurak | April 8, 2013 | Reply

        • God rest her sweet soul. I always loved her. I’ll research her and find out how she dealt with the smears.


          Comment by Publius Huldah | April 8, 2013 | Reply

  20. How delightful to see who you are! I am also pleased to hear you speak. If you film another great speech, please remove the man that sneezes and coughs near your microphone before you are recorded.
    Your speech today, really made a remarkable impression on me! I understood every word you said !
    Having to read with my glasses, really does waste my time and does not give me enough focus.
    I sent your video to all my friends!


    Comment by Georgia Trebing | April 7, 2013 | Reply

    • Thank you so much, Georgia! Your encouragement means so much. About the coughing & sneezing: that is better than cell phones ringing and people actually talking on cell phones!

      Thank you, really. It has been a hard week, and you lifted me right up!


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 7, 2013 | Reply

    • Employ a noise gate on the audio system.


      Comment by wisdomdepot | April 7, 2013 | Reply

      • That was the host’s sound system.
        We know nothing about sound systems or equipment. We bought a sound system, but ….. well, I need to travel with a sound engineer.


        Comment by Publius Huldah | April 7, 2013 | Reply

  21. I am so concerned about the LACK of understanding of our First Principles. WITHOUT these tenets, we have no legs upon which we stand. So all who read/ hear this post, please, spread it out virally!


    Comment by lgcvano | April 7, 2013 | Reply

    • You are so right, Lgcvano. LACK OF UNDERSTANDING is a problem.

      But there is an underlying moral problem: People think they already know all about it, and so they refuse to learn. I come across this REJECTION of knowledge everywhere: politicians, aspiring politicians, tea party organizations, and people posting on the internet.

      So it is the arrogant conceit of those who REFUSE to gain understanding [b/c they think they already know] which is destroying us.

      People from all walks of life think they are experts on the Constitution, when they are just repeating what they have always heard. We are drowning in a tidal wave of misinformation.


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 8, 2013 | Reply

      • Oh, you are so right there, sister.

        Your work is refreshing, edifying, bracing, enlightening; God bless your faithfulness and tenacity.


        Comment by David Zuniga | August 13, 2013 | Reply

        • Thank you! Your encouragement helps me!


          Comment by Publius Huldah | August 13, 2013 | Reply

  22. I agree 100%. I posted this on my Facebook page.


    Comment by Lakin Cross | April 7, 2013 | Reply

    • Thank you, Lakin! If you know any liberals, tell them to watch it!

      And our side needs to learn that the 1st amendment doesn’t give “rights” to anybody! GOD gave us our rights!

      In the Constitution, all we did was delegate certain enumerated POWERS to the federal government.


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 8, 2013 | Reply

  23. I very much enjoyed your talk and agree that we must get the states to protect us from those who would overthrow our form of government and laws from within!

    I would like for you to explain to your blog what the 14th amendment does to the states and how it has been ruled to tie the federal constitution and the amendments to their state constitution’s, also how it might be argued in the courts if a state were ever to do what you have suggested. I think that you and I know that this would ultimately be challenged in the courts.

    I think as you do that our politicians are for the most part ignorant and cowards and will not stand up in the face of the apposition for fear of loss of position. They will allow this country to fall rather than stand on principal. I do realise that one must have principals to stand on first. Most have none!!

    Thanks again


    Comment by Dennis | April 7, 2013 | Reply

    • Thank you, Dennis, for your kind words!

      1. The 14th Amendment: I have a paper which explains all about the original intent of Section 1 of the 14th Amendment and shows how the federal courts have unlawfully perverted that original intent. You will need to study my paper. The original intent is not complex (thou a knowledge of litigation does help); but the lies of the federal courts are tricky.

      Judicial Abuse of the Fourteenth Amendment: Abortion, Sexual Orientation & Gay Marriage

      2. Our Framers never thought the time would come when AMERICANS would run to the Court to let them decide everything. We have become a country of permission seekers – WE do not want to take the responsibility for making the determination whether an act of the federal government is constitutional or not. WE WANT TO SHIRK THAT RESPONSIBILITY AND LET THE FEDERAL COURTS DECIDE.

      And they have been very happy to take that responsibility off OUR shoulders and accept it for themselves.

      When Acts of any branch of the federal government are unconstitutional as outside the scope of the powers delegated to it, then The States and The People need to man-up and nullify it.


      obama issues an executive order taking over elections. And what do The people do? They want Congress to repeal the Executive order! And if Congress doesn’t repeal it, they think we are stuck with it.

      But what do manly men & womanly women do? The STATES tell the Country election officials to IGNORE THE EXECUTIVE ORDER! IGNORE IT!


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 8, 2013 | Reply

      • With all due respect, there ARE a few of us working very hard to gain a loud voice in our State government. We have been gaining ground and continue to push… In Mississippi, we have been noticed by some conservative Christian organizations that help magnify our voice. Prayer is a welcome refuge in dark times, I highly recommend it to the faint of heart. Nevertheless we MUST plod on! Your lectures are so IMPORTANT to continue the re-inforcement of First Principles. Wholeheartedly, thank you!


        Comment by lgcvanoLgcvano | April 8, 2013 | Reply

        • Thank you! I need encouragement. I know it is wrong to despair; but sometimes….. it just seems so hopeless. You are right. We don’t know what the fruit of our efforts will be! And don’t forget Sam & Frodo.


          Comment by Publius Huldah | April 8, 2013 | Reply

  24. I love this paper. … Today have no voice. Either allergy or Spring cold. Will try tomorrow if voice is back.

    Sent from Samsung tabletPublius-Huldah’s Blog wrote:


    Comment by geognop | April 7, 2013 | Reply

    • Oh, I hope you are soon better, dear Friend.


      Comment by Publius Huldah | April 8, 2013 | Reply

  25. Reblogged this on tannngl and commented:
    You might want to watch this. You might learn something about who we are.


    Comment by tannngl | April 7, 2013 | Reply

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