Publius-Huldah's Blog

Understanding the Constitution

How to use Article V of our Constitution to move us into the North American Union

By Publius Huldah

Article V convention supporters seem to think they are oh! so clever when they accuse those of us who oppose an Article V convention of “fear mongering”.

Well, I graduated from “fearfulness” long ago – now I’m in the HORROR stage: Under the North American Union (NAU), Canada, the United States, and Mexico merge and a Parliament is set up over them. This was President George W. Bush’s plan, cooked up during 2005 at his ranch in Texas with the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico.

But in order to set this up, they need a new Constitution which transforms the United States from a sovereign nation to a member state of the NAU.

How do they get the new Constitution? At an Article V convention.

How do they get an Article V convention? Tell the American People that at an Article V convention, they can get Amendments to our existing Constitution which will “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government”.

And, as ordinary citizens who support an Article V convention give daily proof, such tactics work. People don’t think – they follow what popular people tell them, and then they repeat it as if they know all about it.  And they insult, revile and marginalize the people who do tell them the Truth (as they have been programmed by their Conditioners to do).

Americans don’t know that delegates to an Article V convention have “PLENIPOTENTIARY POWERS” and thus have the power (recognized in the 2nd paragraph of our Declaration of Independence) to throw off our present Constitution and establish a new one with a new (and easier) mode of ratification.

Americans don’t know that in Federalist Paper No. 40 (15th para), James Madison invoked this clause in the Declaration of Independence as justification for what they did at the federal convention of 1787:   Instead of proposing Amendments to the Articles of Confederation (as they had been instructed to do), they wrote an entirely new Constitution which created a new government.

Americans don’t know that because of these plenipotentiary powers, Delegates to an Article V convention can do whatever they want.  It doesn’t matter whether they were sent to the convention for “the sole and express purpose” of proposing a balanced budget amendment, or a term limits amendment, or a countermand amendment, or some other designated purpose – they are not bound by those spurious limitations.

Americans don’t know that “faithful delegates” laws are a joke: Not only do delegates have plenipotentiary powers and sovereign immunity for whatever they do; it is a simple matter to circumvent “faithful delegate” laws.

So that’s how a Constitutional Republic is destroyed and replaced by a global government.

You can read about the NAU here. Read the Task Force Report.  Heidi Cruz was on the Task Force which wrote the report.…/building-north-american-community/p8102

People! Your guides are leading you astray and confusing the path you should take. You better start using your own heads – and you better start doing it today. We are close to having Congress call an Article V convention. You better get with your State Legislators and educate them about the dangers and give them the Facts.

If you continue to refuse to hear the Truth; and if you continue to revile those who do tell the Truth, then the blood of a great many people will be on your head.

Hell is just around the corner. Look at Western Europe – how has the EU worked out?  Americans better wise up now. Stop an Article V convention.  Tell your State legislators to rescind the applications for a convention your State has already passed; and tell them not to pass any more applications.  For an unofficial list (by State) of applications to Congress which have already been passed, go HERE.

Update June 23, 2017:  After I posted the above, the CFR sanitized their page on this and also removed the Task Force Report from their website.  Now, one must purchase a copy.  It’s on Amazon.

Update Jan 5, 2018:  CFR put the Task Force Report back on their website [or HERE].  Get it before it’s removed again.  Find out what the globalists have planned for us.  All those issues people are so concerned about [and so ignore the dangers of an Article V convention] will be handled by the Parliament which is to be set up over Canada, the United States, and Mexico.  When your house is burning down, put out the fire!  Don’t vacuum the floors!

Revision & update Jan. 11, 2018All US Presidents since (and including) Ronald Regan have been advancing our movement into the NAU. Watch this excellent 15 minute video:

This is a Revolution against us by the global elite. This push for an Article V convention is from the top down – it is how the Elite can impose their will on us.

Do not continue to unwittingly assist the global elite in enforcing their will on us!

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February 5, 2017 Posted by | Article V Convention, Delegates to a convention can't be controlled, George W. Bush, Gov. Greg Abbott, Heidi Cruz, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, North American Union, Ted Cruz | , , , , , , , , , , , | 121 Comments

Natural Born Citizen and Naturalized Citizen Explained

Here are the links to the Exhibits:

Vattel, Law of Nations, Book I, Ch. XIX, at §§ 212-217

Click to access cruz-canadian-renunciation-letter.pdf

And here is where Candidate Trump re-tweeted the same video:  I got tons of hate mail & comments from Cruz supporters….

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February 11, 2016 Posted by | 14th Amendment citizens, Marco Rubio, natural born citizen, Naturalized citizens, Ted Cruz, Vattel | , , , , , , , , , , | 74 Comments

Natural born citizen status is inherited – it’s not bestowed by the Constitution or Acts of Congress

1. Neither Obama, Marco Rubio, or Ted Cruz are natural born citizens. At the times they were born, their Fathers were not citizens. Location of birth is irrelevant. Those who insist that a person must be born within the US point to Section 212 of Vattel.  But one must read all that Vattel wrote on the subject and which is contained in Sections 213-217.

A “natural born” citizen inherits his citizenship from his parents. Just as he inherits his eye and hair color from them, so he inherits his citizenship status. He is “born” with the hair and eye color his parents gave him, and he is “born” with the citizenship status they gave him. No provision in the Constitution made him a Citizen – no Act of Congress made him a Citizen – just as no provision in the Constitution or Act of Congress determined his eye or hair color. His citizenship, eye color, and hair color are all inherited from his parents. THAT’s what a natural born citizen is. READ all of the sections on this which Vattel wrote:  By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers; the place of birth produces no change in this particular.   In my first paper, you can find the links to Vattel and other original source documents illustrating the original intent of “natural born citizen”.

2. Our first generation of Presidents were all born as subjects of the British King. There were no US citizens until July 4, 1776 when we proclaimed our Independence.  Art. II, Sec. 1, clause 5 contains a grandfather clause which permitted our first batch of Presidents to qualify. They were citizens at the time of the Adoption of our Constitution.

3. It appears that both of Donald Trump’s Parents were Citizens at the time he was born.  It is irrelevant that his Mother was an immigrant:  She came here from Scotland; and later became a US Citizen during 1942 – several years before Donald was born.  Donald is a natural born citizen eligible to be President.  [But because of the doctrine of coverture which prevailed at the time of our Framing, the status of Donald’s Mother is probably irrelevant.]

4. I found another article on this topic which is excellent:…/la-oe-lee-is-ted-cruz-eligible-to-…

5. Our Country would be so much better off if people would stop spouting off about this subject until after they become well-informed. And they can’t become well-informed until they have studied this carefully using original source documents and read all the original source documents I cite in my first paper.

And you must detach the result you want from your thinking when you are studying. TRUTH sheds its own Light – and you will NEVER get that Light until you love TRUTH above all things including the outcome you want.  I am well aware of the disgraceful cases where peoples’ views on this issue are determined by whom THEY want for President.

Be sure to read the short article in the LA Times.  The law professor author discusses the 3 ways of reading our Constitution:

  • original intent (yours truly);
  • textualism (the words mean what they mean today not what they meant when our Constitution was drafted & ratified);
  • it’s a living, breathing, evolving Constitution which means whatever the Judges, or whoever has the power, says it means.

Which are you?  Think hard about the ramifications of each position before you decide.

Jan 17, 2016


Postscript added Jan 18, 2016:

People are confused about the effect of Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment.  I’ll explain:

There is a difference between:

  • a “natural born citizen” (who inherits his citizenship status from his parents by the “laws of nature” alone – like eye color); and
  • someone who becomes a “citizen” by operation of a man-made Proclamation or law such as the Declaration of Independence, a clause in the Constitution, or an Act of Congress.

One of the purposes of Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment was to extend citizenship to freed slaves.  That generation of freed slaves became Citizens by operation of a man-made law:  the 14th Amendment.  So they became Citizens, but they were not “natural born” citizens, because they weren’t “born” as citizens from parents who were citizens.

However, after that first generation of former slaves became citizens,  their children were “natural born” citizens because they were born of citizens.

Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment has nothing to do with “natural born citizens”, i.e., those who are born of parents who are already citizens.

Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment has to do with the creation of new Citizens by operation of man-made law.

Under some peoples’ misreadings of Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment, illegal alien muslims could come here and drop a baby and the baby could later be President!   Our Framers didn’t want that!  They wanted only people who were born of parents who were already citizens to be eligible to be President.   And supposedly we would have standards for deciding who qualified for Citizenship….

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January 17, 2016 Posted by | Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, natural born citizen, Ted Cruz, Vattel | , , , , , , | 92 Comments

Alinsky Tactics Are Being Used to Manipulate Americans into supporting Art. V Convention

Saul Alinsky allegedly said in Rules for Radicals that any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future.

Ever since the Ford & Rockefeller Foundations, some 50 years ago, came up with the Constitution for the Newstates of America, the left has been pushing for an Art. V convention so that they can impose a new Constitution. The conservatives defeated these periodic pushes for a convention. So this time, the left changed tactics: Now they are marketing it to appeal to conservatives. They are telling conservatives a convention is THE ONLY WAY to rein in the federal government.

And they are telling conservatives that elections and nullification – THE REMEDIES OUR FRAMERS ACTUALLY ADVISED – don’t work.

So this is how they have made Americans feel that they have nothing to lose by a convention. Alinsky tactics are being used on the American People.

Several leftist Constitutions – in addition to the Newstates Constitution – are already prepared and waiting for an Art. V convention.

A new Constitution will be needed to transform the United States of America into a member state of the “North American Union”.  Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz, was on the CFR Task Force to set up this merging of Canada, the US, and Mexico. It sets up a Parliament over the 3 countries. You can read the CFR (Council for Foreign Relations) Report on setting up the North American Union HERE.

Americans!  You better shake the dust off your brains and start using them.  There is not much time left.

Oct. 12, 2015
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October 12, 2015 Posted by | Article V Convention, constitutional convention, Council on Foreign Relations, Heidi Cruz, Saul Alinsky, Ted Cruz | , , , , | 33 Comments

“Natural Born Citizen” and Coverture.

At the common law, Husband and wife were “one” and The Man was The One. The legal name of this concept is “coverture”.

Married women weren’t separate legal entities in their own right. Their legal identity was subsumed under their Husband’s. Married women weren’t “citizens” in their own right.

Vattel and our Framers had the FATHER in mind in their concept of “natural born citizen”: The Man is the one who counts!

Later on, with Married Womens’ Property Acts in various States, female suffrage with the 19th Amendment, etc., this legal fiction of the wife’s legal identity being subsumed into that of her husbands, was ended. [However, as a holdover, married women still sometimes refer to themselves as Mrs. John Smith instead of Mrs. Mary Smith.]

At the time of our Framing, coverture was in full force and effect. SO it was the FATHER’s citizenship which counted. That is the original intent. That intent remains until Art. II, Sec. 1, clause 5 is amended pursuant to Art. V.  I propose an amendment saying that both the Mother and Father must be US Citizens at the time of their child’s birth for the child to be a “natural born citizen” within the meaning of Art. II, Sec. 1, clause 5.

So under the original intent of Art. II, Sec. 1, cl. 5 – which original intent continues until changed by amendment – IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO Barack Hussain Obama’s mother was, and it doesn’t matter WHO Ted Cruz’ mother is: Their fathers were not US citizens at the times they were born so THEY ARE NOT “natural born citizens”.

Before you gnash your teeth at this constitutional requirement which disqualifies Ted Cruz, look at Ted’s Record. Look at his connections. Look at his Wife’s connections. For Ted’s record, look at his actual position on gun control.  Look at his actual position on obamatrade. You think this guy will fix everything? You are gullible if you do.

Cruz is establishment all the way… he says what we want to hear – counting on us to ignore his record and connections.

Americans!  Will you wise up before it is too late?  No one out there will ride in to “fix everything”.

You better start getting ready for upheaval. Make plans.  Form alliances with your neighbors. Mend fences. Repent of your sins.

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August 20, 2015 Posted by | coverture, natural born citizen, Ted Cruz | , , | 67 Comments